SharePoint Advanced Management - Site policies (3 of 4)

This sequence of posts is about my first impressions of the SharePoint Advanced Management add-on features for M365/SharePoint Online.

There are four posts in total:

Site lifecycle features

This feature can find sites based on certain conditions and automatically apply a policy on them, and address site owners and have them remediate the problem.

Currently there are two types of policies.

  • Inactive sites policy, and
  • site ownership policy (in preview)

Policies can be simulated first, and only after checking the results activated.

Inactive sites policy

  • Identify inactive sites based on visits, edits, file actions and even Teams or Viva engage activity.
  • Send notifications to site owners or admins.
  • Possible actions: None, Set to readonly, Archive site.

Inactive sites policy page 1

Inactive sites policy page 2

Inactive sites policy page 3

Microsoft Archive

So, you can automatically trigger a site to be archived in M365 Archive after a period of inactivity.

However, M365 Archive currently has the following downsides:

  • You can only archive a complete site collection. This means that only sites that are completely, 100% inactive can be archived. If one file is being worked on, you cant easily archive it. NB: File level archiving is scheduled for the second half of 2025.
  • Reactivation of archived sites when a one or more files are needed again is pretty expensive
  • Archived sites cannot be searched through to see if it does or does not contain a file an end-user might need back. A end-user search feature is also in development for release in 2025.
  • Due to the combination of these three points, you run a high risk of running into high cost because you need to reactivate a large site in order to get back a certain file. This is the exact opposite of why you want archiving, which is to reduce cost for storage.
  • There is PowerShell support for archiving a site. This can be used to setup your own archiving process using M365 Archive.

Site ownership policy

  • Identify sites that don't meet organization's ownership criteria (minimum 1 or minimum 2 owners are the only options).
  • Send notifications to find new site owners or admins.
  • Possible actions: None, Set to readonly.

Site ownership policy page 1

Site ownership policy page 2

Site ownership policy page 3

My review comments for both site lifecycle policies

  • Filtering options are very limited!! We can only exclude max 100 sites. No filtering based on site property bag if you use that
  • Opportunity: Handle all classic sites, or all teams connected sites.
  • Risk: special purpose sites are hard to filter out due to limitation of 100 exceptions. Wild card URLs are not supported in the exception list.
  • Mails are sent from generic SharePoint address -> many people may not reply or take action.
  • Easy to configure and useful to improve governance.
  • Impact of the policy can be determined by running a simulation and investigating the results.
  • Microsoft Learn page - Site lifecycle management

Continue to Minor SAM features - page 4 of 4